Sapphire Hair Solution: Effects on hair regeneration
Sapphire Hair Solution: Effects on hair regeneration
Evidence for Hair Regeneration:
A clinical study on the Effects of Sapphire Hair Solution on human hair growth
Pieter Van Dessel, Phd, Prof. Dr. Cassella
Abstract: Prior research suggests that lack of collagen and elastin in the extracellular matrix that supports the hair follicles in the skin can result in hair loss and weaker hair. We tested the effectiveness of a Hair regeneration formula (HRF1) (Sapphire HS), based on a cosmetic formula that has been shown to boost levels of collagen and elastin in the skin, on human hair regeneration.
Results clearly show that daily application of Sapphire HS on the scalp can generate new human hair growth. These effects generalize even to patients with alopecia totalis skin condition. Moreover, evidence suggests that participants hair became more healthy and hair color was regenerated in participants with grey hair. We conclude that Sapphire HS is very effective in stimulating human hair regeneration and holds great promise for hair regeneration research.
Evidence for Hair Regeneration:
A clinical study on the Effects of Sapphire HS on human hair growth
Recently, Joventis Cosmetic Science has developed a hair regeneration formula, Sapphire HS. This formula was designed to renew hair growth and increase hair strength and thickness. It was based on a cosmetic formula, JR101, patented by Joventis Cosmetic Science. Based on a combination of natural and nature analogous substances JR101 was designed to boost levels of collagen and elastin in the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production and to repair collagen levels in old skin, up to 100% of its original, youthful value, in a short amount of time.
In 2012 a nine-month during clinical study investigated the effectiveness of application of a JR101-based cream on collagen and elastin skin levels in 27 participants (Cassella, in preparation). In order to scientifically probe the elastin and collagen levels of the skin, the DermaLab Combo was used (Cortex Technology, 2010). The DermaLab is a high-resolution ultrasound scanner dedicated to skin applications and provides cross-sectional images of the dermis, which can show the alteration of the collagen fiber matrix. This measurement is based on a large line of research relating ultrasound skin imaging to collagen levels (De Rigal et al., 1989).
Results clearly showed that the cream was highly effective in stimulating collagen and elastin levels in the skin on all probed areas (i.e., front, cheek and chin). The effects on the skin persisted and were observed for all different age groups. Overall results indicated a 30 % increase in collagen compared to baseline after two months of cream application. Seven months later a 55 % increase in collagen was observed compared to baseline. The effects on elastin levels were similar, after two months a 35 % increase in skin elastin was observed. In contrast with collagen levels, these elastin levels remained stable during the following months of treatment.
These results were presented at the World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology in Athens (Van Tilborg, Horvai & Cassella, 2013).
HRF1 was based on the JR101 cosmetic formula, but designed to impact the regeneration of human hair. Hair follicles are complex and unusual organs in the human body as they demonstrate the unusual ability to completely regenerate itself (Stenn & Paus, 2001). However, on some occasions this regeneration process is stopped, resulting in hair loss. A number of factors affect thinning and loss of hair, including damage to the proteins in the scalp from sunlight and environmental conditions. This is a self-reinforcing problem, because as hair thins and becomes more sparse, greater amounts of sunlight, in particular in the UV range of the spectrum, can penetrate to the scalp and damage the proteins in the scalp matrix.
Recent research has provided evidence that lack of collagen and elastin in the extracellular matrix that supports the hair follicles in the skin can result in hair loss and weaker hair (e.g., Starcher et al., 2005). Recently, Morisaki and colleagues (2013) showed that reduced hair growth can result from elastin degradation. Making the skin more healthy by stimulating cells to strengthen the extracellular matrix could result in more healthy hair. However, because of the difficulties in boosting cellular energy many attempts to stimulate hair growth have failed or had only minor effects.
HRF1 as a formula is unique in this way that it stimulates regeneration of cellular energy. As a result, it provides the energy necessary to enhance the molecular signals that make up the interactions that are involved in hair follicle signaling. At least two distinctive working mechanisms have been indicated through which HRF1 impacts hair growth.
- First, it stimulates dermal fibroblast proliferation, thereby boosting people’s own collagen and elastin levels on a natural basis and strengthening the extracellular matrix (see Cassella, in preparation).
- Second, it regenerates Wnt3a, a core factor in melanocyte development (Guo et al., 2012). As a result, HRF1 is the first formula that is fit to regulate human hair growth and could result in effects on human hair regeneration. To investigate HRF1’s potential to we performed a clinical study in which we examined effects of daily application of HRF1 on the scalp and hair on hair growth, hair strength and regeneration of original hair color. This clinical trial was run by medical esthetics company Sempervivum bvba.
Materials and Methods
Twenty volunteers (8 women) participated in this study. The mean age of participants was 54 years old (SD = 11 years). Participants had no history of hair implants and had normal eating and sleeping patterns.
Participants first read and signed an informed consent form (Appendix A) in which they gained information about the hair regeneration product. They received information that this product was designed to increase hair growth, that it was based on natural compounds and that use of the product would not lead to harmful effects. Participants received explicit instructions on how to use the product and were sked to apply the product at least once a day on their scalp and not to use any other hair growth or regeneration products for the duration of the study. In order to measure hair growth, hair thickness and color regeneration participants had a monthly session to screen their progress. In this session photos were taken with Casio EXILIM 20.1 MP as well as with 3D digital analysis system GA- 2000 (GBS International Holding, 2010) to measure and count actual hair increase and questionnaires were filled in probing for the effects of the product use.
Questionnaires involved 14 questions (Appendix B) and was based on the hair growth questionnaire of Barber (1998). Participants answered by indicating yes or no for each question. The first two questions were: ‘Did you notice new hair growth during the past month?’ and ‘did you notice new hair growth since the start of treatment?’. The next two questions asked the same question for hair loss: ‘Did you notice any new hair loss during the past month/ since the
start of the treatment?’ The sixth question was: ‘Did you notice more hair loss than before since the start of the treatment?’ Next, participants answered the questions: ‘Did you notice that your hairs felt thicker during the past month/ since the start of the treatment?’ and ‘Did you notice that your hairs felt more healthy during the past month/ since the start of the treatment?’. The tenth and eleventh question asked whether hairs felt less fragile during the past month/ since the start of the treatment. Finally, questions asked whether they had noticed their hair getting more color and whether it became less grey/white during the past month/ since the start of the treatment.
The questions dealt with a number of issues and were aimed to probe noticeable differences, both during the last month and since the start of treatment. First, we discuss results for hair growth and hair loss. Than we discuss findings dealing with healthiness of the hair and strength and thickness. Finally, we discuss evidence for color change. Hair growth was probed with a two different questions. In Figure 1 data for noticeable hair growth is presented, both for hair growth during the past month and since the start of treatment. After 1 month of treatment 47% of participants noticed new hairs growing. After 6 months of treatment, 94% of participants had noticed new hair growth.
- Questions probing for hair loss asked whether participants had noticed that any of the new hairs fell out and whether hair loss had increased since the start of the treatment. Over the whole course of the treatment, 14% of participants had noticed that some new hairs fell out. 20% of participants indicated that at some point during the treatment they noticed an increase in hair loss since the treatment. Additional questions indicated that participants felt that this hair loss was due to more healthy hair taking the place of old, fragile hair. Figure 2 shows the answers for the questions probing for new hair loss during the last month and more hair loss since the start of the treatment. Note that the data of the two alopecia patients were not taken up for these questions nor for any of the following questions.
- The questions for healthiness of hair, thickness and fragility lead to similar answers for all participants, suggesting that they felt hair to become more healthy, thicker and less fragile. Approximately 85- 92% of participants had noticed an increase in healthy hair, thicker hair and less fragile hair during the treatment.
- The final question asked participants whether they had noticed their hair getting more color (e.g., less white/grey hair). For analysis of answers to these questions we only included the data of participants who had white/grey hair before the start of the treatment. Results indicate that all participants with white/grey hair noticed a significant increase in color during the course of treatment.
- Hair growth data. For each participant one specific place was chosen for hair growth analysis. Typically, this was a bald spot or a spot with thinning hair. Hair growth was measured by counting and estimating the total amount of thick/thin hairs on the specific spot, on the basis of the digital analysis photograph. Full data for each participant are reported in Appendix C. A first analysis was one on the data of bald participants, including alopecia patient data. On average, the data provide clear evidence that both fine hairs and more thick hairs suddenly started to grow for participants who had no hair at the probed place.
- For balding participants, we investigated % increase in total hair. These data clearly show a remarkable increase in hair growth. After 6 months, there was a 3 tot 4 times overall increase in both long fine and thick hairs.
- Analyses of data about thin and thick hair clearly show that participants with thin hair get a significant increase in the amount of thick hair.
- Following the results of the questionnaires, data from participants with white/grey hair clearly show evidence that participants’ hair gets more color.
The data obtained via questionnaires and photo analyses provide clear evidence that the HRF1 formula is highly effective in regenerating hair growth. Data suggest that application of the formula to the scalp leads to a significant increase in total amount of hairs, even in participants who had no hair at the probed place and in participants who have a clinical condition of alopecia totalis. Moreover, results suggest that the formula is potent at reviving the hair, leading to thicker and more healthy hairs as well as hairs with original hair color. Overall these results suggest a regeneration of the hair and cells involved in the hair growth cycle.
These results are promising for the clinical application of HRF1 formula for the treatment of all conditions involving hair renewal. However, it is clear that there is some individual variance in treatment effects. That is, not all participants showed the same increase in hair growth and healthy hair. Though this could be the result of a number of different factors, stressful factors and nutritional factors are likely involved.
The aim of this study was to examine whether the application of a lotion based on formula HRF1 would change hair growth significantly. We analyzed the obtained results over a time period of more than six months. The results suggest that the formula is highly effective at increasing hair growth.
Barber, B., Kaufman, K., Kozloff, R., Firman, C., & Guess, H. (1998). A hair growth questionnaire for use in the evaluation of therapeutic effects in men. Journal of Dermatological Treatment, 1998, 9, 181-186.
Cassella, J.P. (in preparation). Phase I/II Clinical Trial on the effects of AX312 on collagen and elastin levels in the skin. DermaLab Combo (2010). Cortex Technology, Denmark.
De Rigal, J., Escoffier, C., Querleux, B., Faivre, B, Agache, P, & Lévèque, J.J. (1989). Assessment of aging of the human skin by In vivo ultrasonic imaging. J Invest Dermatol. 93, 621-625.
Guo, H., Yang, K., Deng, F., Ye, J., Xing, Y., Li, Y., Kuabn X., & Yang, T. (2012). Wnt3a promotes melanin synthesis of mouse hair follicle melanocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 420, 799–804.
Morisaki, N., Atsushi, O., & Shigery, M. (2013). The Role of Neprilysin in Regulating the Hair Cycle. Plos one, 8 : e55947. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055947
Starcher, B., Aycock,R.L. and Hill, C. H. 2005. Multiple Roles for Elastic Fibers in the Skin. J. Hist.& CytoChem., 53, 431-443.
Stenn, K. S., & Paus, R. (2001). Controls of hair follicle cycling. Physiological Review, 81, 449- 494.
VanTilborg, R., Horvai, M.C., & Cassella, J. P. (2013). A natural formulation for the improvement of collagen and elastin levels in human facial skin. Ninth World Congress of the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology, Athens, Greece, June 27-30, 2013. 3D digital analysis system GA- 2000 (2010), GBS International Holding, China.
My name is Patrick Soks
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